The BBC Series Bodyguard
The series Bodyguard was a major sucess of the BBC that had viewers gripped from start to finish, but, what did the police and industry insiders think of the series?.
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Intelligent Protection › Security Blog page 1The series Bodyguard was a major sucess of the BBC that had viewers gripped from start to finish, but, what did the police and industry insiders think of the series?.
The Caribbean region sees millions of visitors each year, but how safe is the Caribbean as a vacation destination? Intelligent Protection's CEO, Alex Bomberg looks at the fact of safe travel to the Caribbean.
Hiring private security in New York can be a daunting affair if you have never done it before. What can you expect from a bodyguard service in New York? Should you have an unarmed or armed bodyguard? Is New York safe?
Intelligent Protection International Limited's CEO Alex Bomberg talks with BBC Radio Gloucestershire's Anna King about the BBC series Bodyguard, what it takes to be a bodyguard in the UK, what skills and traits clients look for in a personal bodyguard.
The past few years have seen London receive a lot of bad press in relation to terrorist incidents and security concerns surrounding knife etc. How does this affect tourism? And, how safe is London to visit?
Intelligent Protection International Limited is pleased to announce the opening of its first office in the USA and its further expansion plans for the next 18 months in the Americas. Alex Bomberg, Group CEO explains how this is the next logical step for the firm.
The number of female Bodyguards working within the Executive Protection industry is maybe less than 10% although these numbers are thought to have risen in recent years. What role do females play in Executive Protection? Virgine Roux looks at operational deployment and skills.
In light of the recent story in relation to Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, Virginie Roux looks at how you can stay safe while still enjoying Social Media. Lock down your profile and be sure to be careful what personal information you post online.
Celebrity stalking cases are very often far more publicised than the most severe cases of stalking we sometimes see in the press. Here Alex Bomberg looks a five examples of celebrity stalking and what impact security or the lack of it might have played in the outcomes.
Discuss the Close Protection industry and people start thinking 'The Bodyguard'... Alex Bomberg takes a look at the iconic 1990's film, 'The Bodyguard' and seperates fact from fiction, dissecting the films three major storylines.
In this article, Alex Bomberg looks at ‘Adab’, prescribed Islamic etiquette, how that fits well with Executive Protection, how it may be applied and simple tips on etiquette for Bodyguards.
Virginie Roux writes about hiring a Bodyguard in France, what you need to know and more importantly what you legal obligations are under French laws.
Article by Virginie Roux on the new laws in France relating to the use of firearms for Executive Protection and how this law is applied by CNAPS certified firms in France.
Intelligent Protection International Limited has been providing Royalty Protection for a number of years. What does Royalty Protection involve and how does it differ from Executive Protection?
An interview with Intelligent Protection International Limited team members and CEO on protecting Royal families, UHNWI's and Clients around the globe.
George Foster, Group Managing Director discusses our new office in Paris, being the only UK firm with CNAPS certification for Close Protection Services and the future of armed bodyguards in France.
Working across Asia as an Executive Bodyguard is not at times easy, here Sat Rayit, Intelligent Protection International Limited's Protective Services Manager (Asia) talks about some of the operational concerns.
BBC Radio 4 interview with Alex Bomberg, Group CEO in relation to the Kim Kardashian robbery in Paris and the Close Protection failings.
Did Social Media usage play a big part in robbery? Was security adequate for a person of such wealth?
Operational Psychology and Social Engineering are all around us, from influence operations carried out but Super Powers, through to your everyday interactions on Social Media.
This article looks at Social Engineering in espionage, giving examples of how targets are chosen based on MICE!
TSCM Sweeps are carried out to discover if an area is being monitored by covert listening devices.
An in depth guide on how to commission a TSCM Sweep, what questions to ask and a little bit of information on what equipment is used and how a TSCM Sweep is conducted.
In the wake of the Kim Kardashian robbery in Paris, France, Group CEO Alex Bomberg discusses the need to control and monitor social media use.
A very useful article for both security professionals and managers alike, given that few companies operate a Social Media Policy.
Defensive Driving is an important skill for any security professional. Intelligent Training International Limited Defensive Driver Training Courses are available worldwide with the very best in Police and Special Forces instruction.